Non-Profit Vendors
May 3, 2025
General Information - Procedures, Conditions, and Rates
This document contains pertinent rules and regulations that govern the operations of the World Famous Armadillo Festival hosted by the Hamburg Area Chamber of Commerce.
During the World Famous Armadillo Festival, local non-profit organizations can raise funds, provide needed services, run fun activities and show the community what they do. We are extending invitations to vendors who submit fully executed applications with required enclosures and payments (see application page) by the April 1st, 2025, deadline. Priorities for space will be reviewed based on past participation, date of receipt of fully executed application and type of product/item.
Hamburg’s Armadillo Festival strives to maintain a balance and diversity in vendor offerings, and quality offerings. All applications and products are reviewed so that we may maintain this balance. Our goal is to keep standards high and promote a safe, successful, and fun festival. The policies and regulations set forth in this document are designed to maintain order and to regulate activities on the Festival site. Regulations will be enforced
There are four (4) Non-Profit application categories for the World Famous Armadillo Festival.
Food and Beverage
Booths may have activities that are in more than one category. Vendors must complete all application sections that apply to the activity offerings of their booth space. For example, if a booth has a children’s activity AND is giving away a promo item, the Vendor must complete the Activity and Children’s Merchandise sections of the application.
Rules & Regulations
Booth Activities
All activities must be consistent in content, form, and quality with the description you provide during Vendor selection.
Booth Fee
The Non-Profit Fee includes a booth fee of $50.00 for a 10’ x 10’. A check or money order for your booth fee must accompany your application. This commission amount is due and payable by April 1st, 2025. The Booth fee is returned if Vendor is not selected.
Food Operations
Vendor must include a complete Menu/Price List with their application. Only menu items (at prices) listed on the Vendor application may be sold at the Festival. Changes or additions are only allowed with pre-approval by the Festival Committee prior to April 1st, 2025. Menu items in glass containers are not allowed. Absolutely no cooking food on the square at any time. Food must be prepared ahead of time.
The Armadillo Festival reserves the right to restrict certain food items or beverages due to contractual exclusivity with Festival Sponsors and Past consistent food vendors. Vendors will be notified of any such restrictions that may conflict with their menu offerings before acceptance.
Vendors are not allowed to 'rove' with their merchandise at any time.
No alcoholic beverages, loud music, televisions, or 'hawking' are allowed within or in the vicinity of your Booth.
Give-away items (pins, pens, pencils, etc) must be submitted with the application and approved at the time of Vendor selection.
Applications are only accepted from non-profit organizations who are located in Ashley County and/or who are a significant provider to the Hamburg community for a particular service. Application and past participation do not guarantee acceptance. The Armadillo Festival reserves the right to refuse any application. Notification letters regarding acceptance will be mailed April 1st, 2025.
The Festival Staff will provide appropriate site assignment in accordance with the best interest of the Festival. Space location and configuration is limited and can change from year to year. Space/site changes or using a space not occupied by another Vendor is not allowed. Only the accepted Vendor may exhibit in the assigned space. Space may not be donated or sold to another party.
The Festival Committee reserves the right to reject all, or any part of, the Vendor's concession if found in the Festivals judgment to be unethical, misleading, extravagant, challenging, questionable, in poor taste or otherwise inappropriate or incompatible with the character of the Festival. The Festival Committee also reserves the right to limit and prohibit types and quantities of all vendors’ products. We do not intentionally book a vendor that sells the same product as another at the festival. Only items listed on the Vendor application that have been approved will be allowed to be displayed or sold in the Vendor’s space/site.
Once the Vendor is accepted, the Festival Committee reserves the right to remove any item from display or any Vendor from the Festival on the basis of exhibiting unapproved, unacceptable or inappropriate items. All displays will be inspected during setup and at intervals during the Festival to ensure that displays and items sold are consistent with approved application list. No refunds will be issued to a Vendor if any item or part of his/her display is removed. The Festival Committee decision is final.
Check-in and set-up will BEGIN Saturday at 6:00 a.m. Streets will not be closed until then so please do not try to set up early. Each vendor must check-in with the vendor committee to find their assigned booth space. Please turn left at Handi Corner to Hwy 8, turn left on S Mulberry St, you will then drive straight down till you are greeted kindly by our vendor committee. (NO VENDOR MAP WILL BE GIVEN PRIOR TO THE FESTIVAL.) On Saturday, vendors must have their booths ready for business by 8:00 a.m. Go directly to your assigned space. After initial unloading, vendors will park their vehicles in another area. (DO NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 5:30 A.M!)
Vendors are responsible for the appearance of their booth and must clean up after the festival. You may not work out of your bus, van, car, motor home, etc. Tables, chairs, and tents are not provided.
No exhibit may be set up as to obstruct vision of or access to stores, another exhibit, or as to impede the free flow of traffic.
No pets allowed.
No refunds will be made for inclement weather or other acts of God over which the sponsors have no control and the risk of loss as such, shall be borne by the vendor. The festival will not be responsible for damaged or stolen property, accidents, or fire.
Reservations will be confirmed with a receipt of payment.
The deadline is April 1st, 2025. Vendor hereby requests permission to display and sell the products and/or services listed at the end of this document.
Further, the World Famous Armadillo Festival, and the Hamburg Area Chamber of Commerce, reserves the right to approve any product/item a vendor may wish to sell.
Click the PDF icon above to access the Non-Profit vendor form. All forms can be mailed directly to the Hamburg Area Chamber of Commerce. Please email chamberofcommercehamburg@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.